Timeline: 36 hrs
Role: UI Engineer
Submitted to HackCWRU 6

The Problem

The American Heart Association published the first Scientific Statement on Acute Myocardial Infarction in Women. They discovered that:

  • Cardiovascular disease is the #1 leading cause of death for women in the United States
  • Women have "atypical" symptoms more often than men and are 7 times more likely to be misdiagnosed than men
  • High risk abnormalities in ECGs are missed by physicians in Emergency Medicine
In “When Doctors Don’t Listen”, Dr. Kosowsky asserts that active patient involvement can help prevent life-threatening errors. HERA is an application designed to empower women to confidently address their heart health concerns and fight gender inequality in healthcare.

The Objective

How can we design a product that will effectively reduce the likelihood of misdiagnosing heart disease in women

  • Develop a website and mobile app that enables users to upload their ECG signals and determine whether their results are normal or abnormal.
  • Design a digital experience that is very simple, intuitive and unobtrusive.
What is HERA?

The accuracy of a physician's diagnosis improves with their experience in reading ECG signals. Artificial Intelligence offers a solution to the problem of misdiagnosis, particularly when equipped with a substantial dataset of ECG signals.

Hera is a web-based product that leverages deep learning to predict the likelihood of a patient having heart disease based on their ECG results. Users can upload a photo of their ECG results via our web or mobile application, and our system meticulously analyzes these results using a deep learning model to estimate the probability of heart-related issues.

core features

Core Functionalities of Product

The Backend

The deep learning model is constructed using a Python-based CNN algorithm, comprising four convolutional layers and two fully connected layers. To initiate the model training process, we ensure that the input data adheres to the required format. We obtained the ECG dataset from the PhysioNet website and performed preprocessing to render it compatible with the CNN in the Keras library.
Following this, we partitioned the dataset into separate sets for training and testing, enabling us to evaluate accuracy. In the case of the Android app, we utilized Xamarin and Firebase for development, while the web application was created using a CherryPy server.

The Design

HERA takes its name from the Greek goddess of women's health

Initial Questions

Collecting user data was just as important as dislaying results. Questions like:

  • Are you experiencing any chest pains? If yes, for how long?
  • Have you been feeling light-headed?
  • Are you experiencing unusual fatigue?

were important in determing how the patient might be feeling.

crazy 6 design of features
User Interface

It was very important that we kept the interface very simple since most of our users would be well in their late 30s and older. With the project duration being short, I couldn't go over multiple iterations as there were other parts of the project to get to. The product sport a user-friendly, straightforward user interface and include an image uploading feature. Our strategy involves storing these images on the server, with the intention of leveraging the collected data to enhance our model.

Due to the time constraint, we were unable to implement the functionality of displaying prompts to the patients. The final interface ended up being a page to upload your ECG result image.

home page of Hera

Landing page of website


  • Winner: Most Efficient Hack
  • Winner: Rockwell's Diversity Prize

Going forward

  • A login feature to store and secure each patient's data
  • A large dataset enhances the precision of deep learning models in predicting abnormalities. Hera will store all the ECG results on our server for the purpose of improving our model's accuracy.
  • Implement asking patients for symptoms before collecting ECG result
  • Have the appropriate prompt to ensure the upload is in the right format
  • Find good dataset that can be used to train the model.